I was watching TV a few weeks ago and one of the ads caught my attention. It might have been Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom that really caught my attention, but it was enough for me to remember the website. Tonight, I finally checked it out. I actually liked what it had to say and what the organization stood for. After reviewing their Declaration, I signed it with my full support. Now, I ask you to take the time and read what I did. Here's a portion of what I read from
“WE BELIEVE that in the best American tradition of helping others help themselves, now is the time to join with other countries in a historic pact for compassion and justice to help the poorest people of the world overcome AIDS and extreme poverty. WE RECOGNIZE that a pact including such measures as fair trade, debt relief, fighting corruption and directing additional resources for basic needs – education, health, clean water, food, and care for orphans – would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the poorest countries, at a cost equal to just one percent more of the US budget. WE COMMIT ourselves - one person, one voice, one vote at a time - to make a better, safer world for all.”
The ONE Campaign is a new effort to rally Americans to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. Each ONE of us can make a difference. Together as ONE we can change the world.
We can beat:
Extreme poverty
ONE billion people live on less than ONE dollar a day.
ONE by ONE, we can help them help themselves.
Sign up to add your voice to support The ONE Campaign Declaration. You will join the growing number of Americans who are getting involved online and in communities across the country to fight global AIDS and poverty through The ONE Campaign.
Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.