Spring Fever
I can feel it. All it took was one warm day and I caught it. The sun was out and shining brightly. The temperature heated up and snow began melting. Even the carwash opened its door for the first time this year. Punxsutawney Phil, King of the Groundhogs, Father of all Marmota, Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of Prognosticators was wrong. Spring was trying to spring up in Minnesota in February. I could actually feel it. The sun on my face felt warm. Even the squirrels seemed to agree as they raced around the ground stretching their legs from their nap. Outbreaks of Spring Fever were emerging everywhere. I couldn't believe Spring was arriving so soon.
Yeah, right!!!!
The very next day, Mother Nature decided to uphold Phil's prediction and reverse our one day trend. Freezing weather hit us with a punch so hard that the memory of the previous day began to fade. But it was too late, I already had caught the bug. I wanted the warmth of the sun on my face again. I wanted all of the snow to melt and find its way back to the water cycle. I wanted to begin my spring routine. I guess Mother Nature has her own agenda and my wishes are not on it.
Well, eventually, as Spring Fever spreads across the land, Mother Nature will catch it too. Slowly, the birds will come back to sing their chirpy songs and the brown grass will find a way to transform into richly luxurious green. The lake will thaw from its wintry form and waves will ripple across it once again. The fish houses will vanish as the boats appear with the fishing style change. The carwash will actually stay open this time with a line forming around the building. People will emerge from their houses spending more and more time outside. By now, everyone will have caught it.
But for now, I wait for the sunshine and warmer weather. Since there is no vaccination for this disease, there is nothing to do, but wait. There is one other thing I can do to pass the time. I can yell loudly into the wind asking for Spring. Hopefully, she is listening this time.
Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.