Friday, February 11, 2005


If you listen so quietly to my spirit, you will hear it softly ululating. The reason for this sad expression is attributed to the decisions of our commander in chief. Although my natural proclivity is to serve people and is something I share with the president, the very pathways we have chosen to achieve this are completely heading in opposite directions.

His trenchant decisions are supported by his belief that his focus will obviate circumstances at a more global level placing us in a stronger position within this world. I, on the other hand, feel like somewhere on this road to a better place, most of the people in this country were neglected.

As I look at his proposed budget, I just shake my head and wonder. Is he that out of touch? Can it be all about greed? As a parent, I would seriously wonder if there was a chemical dependency issue to even allow his brain to think these choices were ok. As social workers, can we charge him with neglect?

I wonder if the American people will be offered a candidate who will put our needs first next time. Is there someone out there who can understand the needs of everyday people? Can this someone be aggressive enough to speak out against those of greed and speak up for those in need?

My grandma once told me a story about long ago. She said in our culture, the chief was always the poorest person of the tribe. Any member that had a need would go to him and he would give what he had. The needs of his people were more important than his own. In return, the people took care of him and he was rich in respect and honor.

Today, it is not like this in society. Leaders want top dollar and perks. A CEO can make millions while one of the laborers in that company is earning minimum wage. There is no balance anymore and no honor or respect.

I understand that he needs to balance the budget. It is just not a need, but a responsibility to himself and the American people. My frustration stems from his priorities and who they truly serve. Does he even sincerely understand what some of these programs do? Or does he play some game of chance with each decision to cut or fund not realizing ramifications. Is he so tendentious, that he refuses to open his eyes to the reality that American people face everyday? Maybe someday, our chief will find his groundings and no longer importune us with selfish priorities and decisions. Maybe America will reach that place we all dream for.

I don't know the answers. I just know that sad feeling in my heart and the frustration in my head from being taught to know better. In the end, I think Grandma was right. You can see a chief from the outside in and in this case, it ain't pretty.

Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.


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