Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Hello World. This is Pacu Tsunami. He is an official member of our family after joining us two years ago. Back then, Pacu was just a three incher swimming around a very small gallon aquarium at our local craft store. After visiting him a few times, I took pity on the poor guy and decided to bring him home. I figured the extra 29 gallons would give him enough room to stretch out his fins. I remember waiting for the clerk to bring him up to the register so I could pay the $5 for him. It seemed like it was taking forever, so I decided to go see what was happening. As I got to the back of the store where the aquariums were, all I saw was water all over the floor. My heart began to drop as I envisioned my new fish flopping on the floor. Suddenly, I saw the clerk appear. In her hands was an ice cream bucket filled with water. I asked her what was going on. She proceeded to tell me that my new family member decided that he did not like being in the bag she put him in. Unbeknownst to me, my new family member had teeth and the skills to use them. The clerk stated that my new fish chewed his way out of the bag and found short-term freedom. Thank goodness for her resourcefulness in finding an ice cream bucket so quick. She managed to save him and upgrade his travel arrangements all in 15 seconds.

Upon his arrival in my 30 gallon aquarium, we began calling him Pacu after the breed of fish he is. Although we knew he would grow, we have been surprised as to how much in one year. When he hit 10 inches, he began the splashing. When something excites or upsets him, Pacu swims and splashes the water in the tank outward. I have found my wall and my carpet soaked at times even though the space for water to escape is so limited. Due to this, we added Tsunami to his name.

Now at 13 inches, he is a little calmer. He still does cause a tsunami in the tank about every 4 or 5 days. But for some reason, we have found great joy in this tempermental fish with teeth. Even his tank buddies pal up with him and are calm when the waves begin. Lucky for them, Pacu is not a meat eater...just fish food please....except that one time at band camp.....but the frog deserved it.

Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A New Day

It is a new day. The sun is rising over the great body of water flashing pink highlights across the waves. The first wave touches the beach with a quiet ripple. The animals begin to stir as the birds chirp the latest chitchat in the trees. Sunlight glimmers down through the fluffy clouds and enters my house of domain. I WAS asleep enjoying this wonderful vacation in water, green and yellow birds, white sandy beach and a red and orange drink in my hand....a colorful paradise. Was as in past tense. I just can't do it. Sun in my eyes always wakes me up even when the dream is at its peak. It just plain outright sucks. I guess I am stuck in Minnesota for another day until I can rejoin my vacation travels tonight. Until then....ALOHA!

Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Where did you see a deer?

Hi Ho Hi Ho...Vacation Over

It's been a long while since I've expressed my creativity at Da House. It is amazing how other things in life can take over and lead you off into other directions. Lucky for me, I found my way back.

I spent time in Ohio and North Carolina this summer. Cancer has hit my family hard this year and I needed to return to where my foundation was laid. It has been a personal struggle letting go of so many loved ones over the years. My once big family has dwindled down to a mere few. I think about that everytime I see one of those sweatshirts with a family tree on them naming off all of their relatives. It is always a big green leafy tree with many strong branches to support the extensive list of family members. On the other hand, my tree is nothing like that. My tree would be like a tree seen on Halloween signs. It is sickly and dying. There are very few leaves if any. Upon reading my tree, people would probably think it was a memorial tree because of all of the death dates. It is sad, I know. The reality of it is that our family is probably 5 years away from being reduced to a two generation family. In 15 years, that reality will be determined by my children and the children of a couple of my cousins. Will they continue the family? I don't know, but they probably will. They will take their places in the world and hopefully improve the medical history gene pool for our family. One day, their descendents can wear sweatshirts with a big healthy family tree and I will smile from above knowing that my name is among the roots.

Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.