Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Plan, buddy included.

I have been taking this class which has me at the end of my rope. I am so glad I am nearing completion. Winter break may actually be bliss.

Anyways, we have been talking about the Task-Centered Model. This treatment model is based on research and was originally developed for social workers, although it is used in other professions. The task centered model is a short-term problem-solving approach. It focuses on key problems early in treatment and helps the client develop specific goals and timeframes. What I like about this model is that it asks the clients what do they want. Although all clients do not work with social workers because they want to, using a model that incorporates their input may be helpful in building a vested client relationship.

Well, during class, we had to break off into pairs and "play" client and professional. Of course, I headed off with Shanbob to the comfy couches to begin our hour of "play". I was the client first and recited my "poor me, my mom stole my cat" story. After much discussion, we realized that if catnapping the Moo was not an option, that pretty much left praying for a miracle. There was even the thought of a web petition to return my furry fat guy, but that is probably not utile. Mom would say "sure hate it for you" as always. Guess it brings us back to Shanbob's suggestion of counseling and prayer. Oh well. I miss you Moo .

Next up, client Shanbob. I liked her target problem. She wants to lose weight. Don't we all. Well, I wrote her a plan as we discussed her wants and goals. We established a reward plan and timeframes. I did a fantastic job because planning is my forte. Shanbob really liked the plan to the point she decided that she is actually going to follow it. I really that good? LOL!

Ok, here is the one part I can't leave out. Shanbob and I are sitting back in the classroom and she asks me the big question.


"Will you do it too and be my buddy? We can help each other."

Let's pause for a moment. I am a thinker and need a sec to realize that bathing suit season is in 7 months.

"Sure" I said.

Now, I begin my new life as a weight-loss buddy aka WLB. Actually, it starts tomorrow. I designed it to begin on Sunday. Why ruin my last Saturday.

It will actually be exciting to have to buy a new bathing suit for Vegas in March. Plus, I have a bet with the kids and I hate losing a bet. I'll give updates to track myself and Shanbob. Any encouragement is deeply appreciated.

See what happens when you learn about treatment models! LOL! I wonder what we will learn next.

Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.


Blogger Fizzgig said...

How fun! I'm starting Sunday too on my makeover! I figure, most of the leftovers will be out of the way by then from thanksgiving! Why not gain 10lbs before losing it? LOL! Having a buddy will definately help! Keep us posted!

11:21 AM  

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