Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I’ll Show You Mine

This comes from Jess at O Mama Mia! She wants to know about our toys.......

"Ok, I’m pretty sure that this will be one that anyone can play. Are you ready? You know you wanna….

Show Me Your TOYS! Just because we’re grown-up doesn’t mean we can’t have toys of our own. Are you a go-go gadget girl? Do you three-wheel your weekends away? Are you a shopping junkie & have something new to show off? Are you a scrappin’ crafty chic? What about playdates? Do you have a great friend that you enjoy playtime with? Show Me! Let your inner child shine! Play on!"

I’ll Show You Mine….

Lately, I've been loving my bongos. I love Donkey Konga on my Gamecube, but only until my hands get sore.

Now You Show Me Yours!

Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.


Blogger Neoma said...

Hi MZ, I have been roaming around your blog and reading, I will be back. I like what I see. Tonight I am not going to be up late, but I will catch you tomorrow. I have had a bad couple weeks and it is catching up to me. To much stress in to short of a time......trip, my dad died, my bird got away, steve died......and now my dog is sick......going to put my head under the covers and hide for awhile. ;) Try it again tomorrow.

10:42 PM  
Blogger B.R.L said...

I am like wise going to sleep. will see you tomorrow

12:22 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

MzAriez just wanted to stop by to thank you for stopping by my blog :o)

You have some super stuff on here, and i am sooooooo envious of your bongos!

3:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice bongos! I keep trying to ocnvine my hub that I'd totally game with him,but ala, he's a computer game kinda guy. pft! No bongos for me! :(
Thanks for Showing Me Yours, hun!!

7:11 AM  
Blogger Fizzgig said...

those bongos rock! I didn't know they had a game like that!

9:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Those bongos would heretofore be banned from my house. My daughter makes enough noise as it is. :-)

6:24 PM  
Blogger MzAriez said...

Nea....my condolences.
Take care and take it one day at a time.

Betty....hope you have sweet dreams!

Thanks Michelle! Much appreciated.

O Mama Mia....bongos are great stress relief. So is that Dance Dance Revolution. Got that too. Try if you ever get the chance.

Mon...even the music is cool.

Amber...just turn the volume down on the tv. LOL!

You definitely need rhythm to play.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That game is so much fun! We have some friends who own it and I loved being able to play it at there house.

5:21 PM  
Blogger MzAriez said...

Vader's Mom....glad you get a chance to play. Do you still do conventions?

1:50 AM  

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