Friday, September 16, 2005

Sick & Blue

It's all because of you....
I'm feeling sad and blue....
You went away and now my life is filled with rainy days....
And I love you so....
How much you'll never know....
Cuz you took your love away from me....


Ok, I admit. I am looking a little blue there. No sadness here though. Not one tear. Nobody left. I am still blue though. For the past three days, I have been dealing with the flu. I do feel bad and I hope I can recover before the weekend is over. I didn't realize that flu season had begun. My good friend and her family were dealing with it, but at that point I had heard of no other influenza outbreaks. For some reason, after the fact of my viral inheritance, I learned it was popping up all over like a case of chicken pox. To me, it just seems too early in the season to get sick, but as I am learning it isn't. The bad news is that influenza comes in different strains. I may have version X, but that doesn't prevent versions W, Y or Z from invading my personal space later. What a downer....

I have never had a flu shot. I am actually scared too. I remember when I was young when my grandmother once got her's. After the shot, she ended up getting really sick and spent time in the hospital. The hard part for me was not being allowed to see her since you had to be 12 to visit. That hospital policy caused me much stress whenever a family member was there. I was usually left alone in the lobby waiting for 1 - 2 hours for my mother's return. It wasn't a big deal since I was an only child and use to entertaining myself. The hard part was not seeing my sick loved one myself. I do remember twice being snuck up when my grandmother really wanted to see me and when my poppa was in the hospital for awhile with electrical burns. Other than that, I was left to wait so being at the hospital was never a good thing. I'd rather we all stay healthy and in eyesight. So to this day, I still think about ending up in the hospital when they announce the flu shot clinics. And every year, I bypass the shot and deal with the 3 or 5 days I spend getting sick at home with my family.

So, maybe tomorrow, I will not be feeling blue and will be back in the game full-force. La-di-da-di! Version X, you are outta there....deleted....trashed...and emptied.

BTW, if you didn't know, the opening words are lyrics from a song from Doug E. Fresh from back in the day. If you'd like to hear the song, I have included a link to to listen to it.

Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.


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