Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Bright Eyes

I met him a couple weeks ago. We both sit at a language table practicing the beautiful spoken art of Ojibwe. He actually speaks several languages which left an impressive influence on me to practice my knowledge more consistently. He was so charming, warm, and welcoming. I quickly felt comfortable in his company. Comfort is a big deal, too. Speaking a language as difficult as Ojibwe can lead to many mispronounciations. It can give the more fluent speakers the giggles and leave someone like me with a rosy face. It is amazing how one slip of the tongue can have you admitting to unrepeatable acts, asking indecorous questions, and telling preposterous stories that leave the listeners saying "what?"....and me saying wiidookawishin to the others.

I saw him again last week. It wasn't the first time I noticed his eyes, but this time was different. I could feel the weighted gaze upon me unlike before. I felt apprehensive, but dared to look anyways. I am unaware if it was curiosity or my obtuseness, but I lifted my head to greet his eyes. I immediately notice the pulchritudinous in front of me. His eyes were amazing and bright. You could easily see his depth and passion within. I knew at that moment that he was a person of great conversation.

Now, I am a sufferer and practitioner of satirical wit called sarcasm. It is the inheritance in my family passed down from one generation to the next. After repeatedly proving itself as a great surviving mechanism in times of need, I bring it out in arid situations.

Maybe it was my comfort level getting too cozy, the topic too heavy, or the eyes being so beautifully bright. I don't have any true knowledge as to why it left my lips, but out it flowed like the Mississippi River during flood season. I tried to correct my shallow commentary. But with his deepness, there was no reachable connection. Quietly, I watched as he drifted off to his own dreamland.

I have not had the opportunity to talk to him since that day. I missed having a conversation with him at the language table this week. I guess I'll make it a priority to be there at the next one. Maybe, he and his bright eyes will forgive me of my transgressions and engage in a conversation with me once again. And in return, I will promise myself to try harder not to be mesmerized by bright eyes again.

Yeah, right!

Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.


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