Thursday, September 29, 2005

Dynamite Tots

My friend, Duane, told me about the movie Napoleon Dynamite. He said he watched it with his nephews and they all loved it. They even quoted the movie from time to time. He told me that I had to watch it to appreciate the phrases they were saying. Although I had seen the movie at Blockbuster for weeks, I never felt interested in watching it. I even went as far as renting it for my kids, but two days later it went back to the store unwatched by any of us. When Duane said again I needed to watch it, I trusted him and went out and rented it. The kids even joined me in the viewing.

I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I laughed alot. It made such an impression that the kids and I started quoting the movie, too. My son now wears a shirt that says "Give me some of your tots!" We laugh about it over and over. Thanks Duane.

Anyways, I was online reading from one of the various blogs I go to and came across this Napoleon Dynamite test. After answering a few questions, it tells you what character from the movie you are most like. Here's my results and a link to the test:

You are Kip Dynamite and you love technology.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?

Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.


Blogger LaVarious said...

I like your sleeves, they're real big. xoxo.

8:08 PM  

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