Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Those Days

It has been one of those days.

I woke up at 3 in the morning. I knew it was too early and tried to keep my eyes shut. I didn't want reality peeking in when I had a wonderful dream that needed my dire attention. I tried to wander back to that peaceful place I had previously been, but failed to reach it this time. It was 3:15 a.m. and I had ceased from sleeping until another night.

Leaving for school at 7 in the morning is just regular routine one day every week. Since I lose the "good" radio stations throughout my drive, I've learned new forms of quiet entertainment. My cognitive self emerges to amuse the rest of me with thoughtful reflections of my life and wild fantasies that will never find print. These very cogitations make the drive tolerable and just about worthy of the 3 hour effort.

I love being in school. I believe because I love learning. People learn new information continuously throughout their daily lives. But in college, you have a direct purpose and direction. There is actually a beginning and an end, a first and a last, and a start and a final. The semester begins and so does the exchange of cognitive information from one mouth to many ears. If you take the time to use your ears, you will walk away with some piece of knowledge that will one day make your life a little better. At least, that is what I am hoping for.

I try to be a participant in my college experience. I attend two gatherings on campus. They are to expand my circle of compadres and to practice my current knowledge to maintain peak brain performance. Out of all my activities throughout the day, I enjoy the language table the most. The mixture of people, skill level, and humor makes for an comical learning experience. And if there are some MIAs, I know how to round up a search party or two to locate their current GPS location. Sometimes, attendance is as fluent as my Ojibwe. I still believe my end of the day smile is from a fulfilling 1 1/2 hours of conversation.

Then finally, it is time to head home again. Another 3 hours and I will have two smiling faces staring at me, demanding my attention, and seeking something that they do not own. But first, as I drive, I reflect the day, the dreams and the fantasies. I make the phone calls and watch for deer. And I ponder, until the sandman finds me again.

Stay sweet 'n smile.....................Mz.


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